Resume / CV


I'm a recent graduated of University of California, Merced and studied computer science & engineering and physics.

This is some of the coursework that I've taken. 0** level courses are lower division, 1** are upper division, 2** are graduate level.

Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 015 Discrete Mathematics
CSE 030 Data Structures
CSE 031 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
ENGR 065 Circuit Theory
CSE 100 Algorithms Analysis and Design
CSE 120 Software Engineering
CSE 150 Operating Systems
CSE 165 Object Oriented Programming
CSE 185 Computer Vision
CSE 106 Full Stack Development
PHYS 126 Special Relativity
PHYS 108 Thermal Physics
PHYS 105 Analytic Mechanics
PHYS 112 Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 160 Modern Physics Lab
PHYS 110 Electrodynamics
PHYS 115 Electrodynamics II
PHYS 137 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 138 Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 180 Nonlinear Dynamics
PHYS 192 Advanced Quantum Computing
PHYS 116 Mathematical Methods
Other Coursework
EECS 210 Linear Multivariable Control
ME 211 Nonlinear Control
ME 280 Fractional Order Mechanics *

*This course is quite unique to UCM. It covers Fractional Calculus a budding branch of mathematics, as well as it's applications in mechanics.